Millcreek Pediatrics
Vaccine Information
Release of records form SPANISH.pdf
State of DE Child Health Appraisal Form.pdf
In addition to caring for your children when they are sick, we also want to see them for regular well visits. Well checks focus on keeping your child healthy and are recommended at the following ages:
* 2-3 days * 15 months
* 1 month * 18 months
* 2 months * 24 months
* 4 months * 30 months
* 6 months * 3 years
* 9 months * THEN YEARLY
* 12 months
Vaccine Office Policy
Vaccinations can be a difficult decision for families. Choosing not to vaccinate puts some of our most vulnerable patients at risk. Therefore, effective immediately (September 12, 2022), we no longer accept unvaccinated new patients or families who plan on not vaccinating their newborn child(ren). If you have any questions regarding vaccines please call our office to speak with a nurse or discuss with your physician at your next appointment.
Click on this link for the pediatric recommended vaccination schedule:
cdc recommended vaccine schedule.pdf
DTaP Hib Hepatitis B Polio and Prevnar 13.pdf
Children between the ages of 9 months to 3 years of age are more likely to eat lead containing products (dirt, dust, old paint particles, etc.). Lead exposure in early childhood is associated with developmental delay and reduced IQ, adversely affecting long-term cognitive outcomes, school performance, and social functioning.
*Lead screening tests are required by the state of Delaware at 1 and 2 years of age.
We are currently accepting new patients from birth to age 16. The following steps MUST be completed prior to scheduling an appointment.
1. Call our office at 302-633-6338 to register your child(ren) as new patient(s).
2. We will need your child's full name, date of birth, mailing address, phone number, insurance information, bill to information and pharmacy information.
3. You will need to complete a patient registration (see above under office forms) and email completed form along with
front and back of all insurance cards to Please note this e-mail account is not routinely monitored (we do not respond to emails sent to this email).
4. You will need to complete a release of record form (see above under office forms) and deliver to your current pediatrician. We request you have your current pediatrician either email or send a CD of your complete records including all progress notes, immunization records, labs, consults, etc. to Please note this
email account is not monitored (we do not respond to emails sent to this email).
5. You will be responsible to change your Primary Care Physician (PCP) to a physician in our group (Millcreek Pediatrics).
6. Once we receive your child's complete medical records we will contact you to schedule an appointment for a routine well visit. Please note we cannot schedule a visit until we have received your child's complete medical records.